Saturday, January 18, 2014

Thoughts on EDM310 before the class started.

Going into EDM 310 I was nervous from what I heard about the teacher. I heard that the class would be tough, and that it would not be a walk in the park. Knowing that classes get a bad reputation due to students getting accustomed to burp classes, I went in expecting anything. My biggest fear is that, despite the hard work, I may not be as talented as I thought. EDM310 shows a lot of promising aspects though. One of the features is that it is paper clean. Do not get me wrong I enjoy literature and English classes, but it will be nice typing rather than writing. Compared to the American Literature 252 course I went through last semester it will be a nice change. I may not learn some of the regurgitated, interesting, facts but I will get my hands on some of the newer technology the education world has to offer via the internet.

I think the most difficult objective in EDM310 will be time management. That difficulty is already being fixed. For example I started working on this post a lot quicker than my high school self would have. The hard part will be to stay on task all semester. I find it very easy to start getting "senoritis" and to get impatient for the summer. To stay on top of that it will take staying focused and not getting distracted by niceties. One important question I have about EDM310 is "will it last?". What I mean by that is will it die like the education through the radio did. How to address that would be to test if it is better than the norm. Pencil and paper may seem archaic but it was proven to still be the best way for the education system.


  1. I had pretty much heard the same thing about the class as you had. I like how you went in with an open mind. I also enjoyed your view on how the class will be different with the paperless aspects. I also had some of the same concerns as you with the time management. I also found your question of will it last to be very interesting. I had not thought about whether or not the use of technology would last. Very interesting topic and point of view.

  2. "Pencil and paper may seem archaic but it was proven to still be the best way for the education system." Really? Where's the proof? I would be fascinated to take a look! Please respond!

  3. Education on the radio started almost simultaneously with the invention of the radio. I will admit I made a critical mistake by stating "Pencil and paper may seem archaic but it was proven to still be the best way for the education system.", without having clear evidence.The fact I was trying to make with the question " will it last?" can be backed by this site.

    Within this article it states that the radio was more like a framework for future technologies. What I meant by "will it last?" is this form of new education the peak of learning technology? or is it a possible framework for something even bigger?
    The reason I believe it was proven was with the result of radio education's acceptance. In the article it refers to "technophobes" and I think that they are the main reason it was not better accepted. Teachers being technophobes can result in a negative introduction. The educators have to accept the technology in the first place for it to take a hold. I hope that this answers any and all questions as to where I was coming from.
